Offer Expires On Tuesday Febuary 12, 2008!

"Now You Can Get My Entire Comic Book Collecting System For HALF OFF!"

From now through Febuary 12, 2008, I'm offering a 50% discount on my acclaimed comic book collecting system.

Now you can get my entire collecting system for 50% off the normal price.

The course sells like hotcakes every day for $27.00 ...but you can save 50% and get the entire copy for just $13.50!

The reason I'm offering this sale is because it's my way of saying, "Thank you for being my subscriber!"

Click Here And Get Your Complete Copy For Half Off!

And if the 50% savings isn't enough cause to celebrate, I'm also throwing in ...

Four Free Bonuses Worth $97!

If these four bonus gifts were sold serparately, they'd go for over $97.00 ...but when you accept my half off offer, you can have them free!

You'll get instant access to...

  • Bonus 1: An Electronic copy of one of the most popular comicbook heroes of all time, Superman. Action Comics #1, released in1938, introduced Superman to the comic book industry and therest is history.

  • Bonus 2: CGC Comic Book Authentication, To Certify or not toCertify? This special report addresses some of the pros and consto CGC authentication. This will help you in your decision tocertify or not.

  • Bonus 3: The Fascinating and Informative World of Comic Books,A Collection of Articles. All for your reading enjoyment!

  • Bonus 4: The X-men characters and their complete descriptions.A good friend wrote this and has allowed me to give it just toyou. Great for all X-men fiends!

Click Here To Save 50% And Get All Four Bonuses ...FREE!

"Who else needs a quick and easy resource for comic book collecting?"

Discover, for a small registration fee, the joys of your own collection without leaving your computer. Risk free!

Comic book collection, are you seriously thinking about starting one yourself or do you want to continue the one you have? Then "Comic Book Collecting, a Starting Point" was written just for you. This book was designed to help you jump-start your collection using Internet resources!

  • An introduction to comic book collecting
  • A guide on what to collect
  • Grading your comic books
  • Preservation tips
  • Powerful Economic Investment Potential

I guess one of the biggest questions that may be going through your mind is "Why Even Collect Comic Books?" First and foremost, many people have an avid interest in reading comic books. They can stimulate the hearts and imagination of the soul with a visually descriptive, emotional interaction with the reader. Go where no man has gone before. Hey, where have I heard that before? The mind can conjure up worlds of imagination and adventure. Comic books can provide the road map to these unknown destinations.


Steve RichardsWhat a read!

I see dozens of eBooks every month most are full of filler, but not this one.

Your Comic Book Collecting eBook is astounding. From the history of comics to the Ages of comics and how to grade them, the what, when, where and how to start and maintain your collection is covered in a way that draws the reader in.

If I have one negative thing to say about it.... It has to be that I wish I had written it! Congratulations Dave, this is a real winner.

Steve Richards
Northamptonshire, UK

Dear friend: Let me ask you 3 intriguing questions: 1. Have you always had a burning desire to start a comic book collection?
2. Do you know where to get quality comics books at reasonable prices?
3. Do you know why people collect comic books? Hi, Dave Gieber here. I have been building this website for months and have done a lot of amazing research. I have come across a lot of fantastic information. And so I decided to compile some of this research into an easy to read, easy to follow book, just so you could get started on your comic book collection in the quickest, easiest way possible. Some of the exciting info you will find:
    comic book collectingHow the heck did comic books get started anyway? You wouldn't believe it, Page 7. comic book collectingWhat are the 10 greatest comic books of all time? Page 13. comic book collectingWhy would anyone in their right mind, start a comic book collection anyway? Page 24. comic book collectingDid you know comic books were categorized in different time periods or Ages? Page 27. comic book collectingLegendary artistic geniuses. Who are they? Page 48. comic book collectingI hear so much about grading comic books. What is that all about anyway? Page 54. comic book collectingHow much are my comic books really worth? Page 57. comic book collectingEver been to a comic book convention? Page 60. comic book collectingHow do I keep my comics from falling apart? Page 62. comic book collectingAnd more...
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